Colloidal Silver Use Injuries


If you or a loved one has suffered severe colloidal silver use injuries, we highly recommend you seek the guidance of an attorney.


The injuries or skin discoloration from colloidal silver use are irreversible and life-altering. Experienced legal representation can help you recover financially from the traumatic side effects of this faulty product. We have successfully helped other people with these unique kinds of cases.

The Dangers of Colloidal Silver Use

Considered a homeopathic and naturopathic remedy, colloidal silver was first used in the early 20th century to treat maladies prior to the development of modern antibiotics.

Dietary Supplement

After its discontinuation in the 1940s, the silver-based dietary supplement returned in the 1990s, promoting benefits that ranged from fighting infections to promoting healthy and glowing skin. However, the latest incarnation of colloidal silver products lacks the necessary warnings for consumers to make informed decisions.

Simply put, colloidal silver is not as safe as the product manufacturers claim. Sustained exposure to silver or silver dust can cause dire long-lasting side effects, including:

  • Argyria or “smurf” syndrome, which irreversibly turns skin gray, silver or blue, depending on the victim’s race

  • Poor absorption of certain antibiotics, thyroxine and other drugs


An experienced personal injury lawyer, Patrick has successfully represented people who have suffered the deleterious effects of colloidal silver use, securing justice and maximizing reparations.

He has stayed on top of a shady industry where unscrupulous companies settle colloidal silver injury lawsuits only to establish the same business under a different name.

Protecting Your Rights and Well-Being

Recovering from the side effects of colloidal silver use should include experienced legal representation. Taking on large companies or settling a case on your own only ignores the complexities of these unique injury claims. You can discuss your case with a lawyer by calling 612-877-6400 or emailing our office today.



Colloidal silver use victims nationwide have an advocate in attorney Patrick Burns, who has taken on those responsible for selling these dangerous products.